Cities, Regions, and Municipalities

The contrast between urban and rural areas, as well as between booming and structurally weak regions, is significant. Digitalization and the use of smart technologies can help reverse this trend, ensuring that all areas benefit nationwide.

Livable Regions with a Future Thanks to Technology and Digitalization

Rural exodus, slow internet, poor mobile reception, lack of mobility solutions, and demographic change: These are challenges faced by many rural as well as suburban regions. In contrast, booming centers and many cities struggle with traffic congestion, limited housing, and rising real estate and rental prices. Meanwhile, dilapidated public buildings such as schools and an increasing sense of insecurity in public spaces affect many areas across Germany, regardless of regional prosperity.

Many of these challenges can be alleviated or solved through digitalization and technical solutions. With the help of modern Geographic Information Systems (GIS), existing data can be visualized, digitized, and utilized effectively. In rural areas, autonomous, GIS-based mobility concepts can provide residents with greater mobility and social participation without requiring relocation. Cities, municipalities, and local governments can save resources and enhance public services through smart technologies. By commercializing municipal assets such as bus shelters, streetlights, and buildings for mobile network operators or other telecom providers, additional revenue can be generated for local budgets. These are just a few examples of how cities, municipalities, and local governments can transition into Smart Cities or Smart Villages.

A prerequisite for this is a robust broadband infrastructure and the complete digitalization and documentation of technical facilities. With over 20 years of experience in municipal broadband expansion and broadband consulting, STF Group is the trusted partner for these projects. Furthermore, STF Group’s experts possess extensive know-how in mobile network and Wi-Fi planning. Combined with our expertise in modern geographic information systems, technical building equipment planning, and the development and implementation of digitalization strategies, we offer public sector clients a 360-degree solution to make cities, municipalities, and regions future-ready. We have already demonstrated this through our work on the Gigabit Concept in the Coesfeld district. Additionally, STF Group provides cost-effective, independent mobile network measurements with its Echtnetz Boxes. These comprehensive measurements form the foundation for optimal mobile coverage and are a crucial building block for Smart Cities.

Even if your focus is solely on broadband expansion, digitalizing existing data for GIS visualization, or specialized technical building planning, STF Group is your ideal partner.


Would you like to learn more about STF’s solutions for cities, regions, and municipalities? We look forward to hearing from you!

Sebastian Fischer STF Gruppe

Sebastian Fischer, Geographer (M.A.)


T+49 (0)2594 7013 407

M+49 (0) 174 9759825

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