Public Sector

Even if – in the middle of the digital transformation process – the hurdles and challenges are having an immense impact on the public sector, in the future it will benefit enormously from digitization and new technical possibilities. And of course its citizens as well.

An efficient country with satisfied citizens

Many impairing factors such as a shortage of skilled workers, enormous complexity of large-scale projects, growing security requirements, inefficient bureaucracy and dwindling trust in public institutions have an impact on the performance of the federal and state governments as well as public companies and other public institutions and bodies. Many of these challenges can be solved or at least considerably simplified through technology and digitalization. These include, for example, paperless communication or application, the use of blockchain technology to reduce costs and increase security, or the use of artificial intelligence to make standard processes more efficient.


The STF Group has years of experience in project work in the public sector at the federal and state levels. In particular, this includes risk controlling for the introduction of new communication technologies, technical multi-project management, as well as strategic advice on engineering and digital issues.



Would you like to learn more about STF solutions for the public sector? Then we look forward to your message!

Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Frédéric Dildei

Business Development Manager DACH / Mitglied der Geschäftsleitung / Prokurist

T+49 (0) 2594 7013 901

M+49 (0) 152 2883 2457

Die STF Gruppe berät gemeinsam mit BearingPoint die Bundesanstalt für Behörden und Organisationen mit Sicherheitsaufgaben (BDBOS) beim Aufbau und Betrieb sowie der Sicherstellung der Funktionsfähigkeit digitalen Sprech- und Datenfunksystems für die Polizei von Bund und Ländern.
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