New construction and conversion of primary school

Florensstraße Düsseldorf

Competence Technical building equipment
Customer Grundschule Florentstraße Düsseldorf

The catholic primary school Florensstraße/Heinsenstraße in Düsseldorf has been offering children a building for school lessons since 1824. To ensure that not only 200 pupils can be accommodated in the classrooms, but that 360 of them can be taught, the City of Düsseldorf commissioned a new extension and conversion of the existing building.

STF Energy’s technical planners carried out the work phases LPH 1 to LPH 9 according to HOAI for the following plant groups for the new extension:

  • Sewage, water and gas plants

  • Heat supply systems

  • Ventilation systems

  • Power installations

  • Telecommunications and information technology equipment

  • Building automation

The specialist planning services were a prerequisite for the school location of the two-part KGS Florensstaße being extended to a three-part school with a new refectory, gymnasium and assembly hall. The feasibility study foresees 2 construction phases. The 1st BA includes the extension to the three-tiered building with a new auditorium, gymnasium and refectory. The 2nd BA contains the conversions of the existing building.

The gross floor area of the new building is 1,570 m², that of the existing building is 525 m².


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